What is Web Design?

 Web Design is the design of a website. It usually refers to the user experience aspects of website development, rather than software development. Web Design used to focus on designing his websites for desktop browsers. However, since the mid-2010s, designing for mobile and tablet browsers has become increasingly important to know  more about that click SEO Services in Gurgaon.


What is responsive web design ?

Responsive web design (also known as "responsive" or "responsive design") is an approach to designing web content that is displayed regardless of the resolution controlled by the device. This is typically accomplished using viewport breakpoints (resolution limits to scale content to that view). Viewports should logically adapt to tablets, phones, and desktops of all resolutions.


Responsive design allows you to define rules for how content flows and how the layout changes based on the screen size range.

Responsive design responds to changes in browser width by adjusting the placement of design elements to fit the available space. When you open a responsive website on your desktop and resize your browser window, the content is dynamically repositioned to fit the browser window. This site will check your phone's available storage space and display it in the ideal arrangement.

Responsive Design Best Practices and Considerations

Responsive design gives you flexibility in everything from images to text to layout.

• Adopt a “mobile first” approach. Start the product design process first for mobile devices rather than desktop devices.

• Create fluid grids and images.

• Prefer using Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). This is an XML-based file format for 2D graphics that supports interactivity and animation.

• Add 3 or more breakpoints (3 or more device layouts).

• Prioritize and hide content based on the user's context. See a visual hierarchy and use gradual disclosure and navigation bars to get users to what they need first. Leave the non-essentials (and the nice-to-haves) on the back burner.

• Aim for minimalism.

• Apply design patterns to maximize usability in user context and accelerate usability. For example, the Column Drop pattern adapts your content to many screen types.

• Pursue accessibility.



  1. Website Designer in Gurgaon leverage their technical expertise and knowledge to create the design and layout of her websites taking into account the customer's requirements.


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